Monday 11 August 2014

Renewal 2014 12 August 2014 Tuesday

Dear Diet Diary,

2014 has passed by in a blur for me. i was super on track in January, even running 5KM was no problem.

Now fast forward to August, when in glee i went back for Holidays in May

i was 80.0KG back from holiday i gained 3KG so 83KG.

The weight and my laxed eating still caused my 3KG holiday gains not to budge, and no exercise… the subsequent holiday period and festivities i even gained weight until 85.9KG. 

I felt my clothes becoming tighter my hips expansion undeniable. Everytime i gain it goes straight to my weight. I felt uncomfortable and it showed in pictures, the extra rolls the double chin.

I was in denial. i was so lax, thank God for following fitness Igers.

I realized this cannot go on, i do not and i will not spend my Birthday in my 80s. 

I will make sure this year is a year of change for me.

As i look at weight loss transformation and they were transforming their bodies monthly, why cannot i be the same. 

Why must i remain in this static conundrum, just lamenting my weight gain and not doing anything about it. 

I must reboot its not too late, its so easy to slide back into the 90s. Its always against you.

So from August i have started to reboot my fitness and my body. 

I cherish it, its the only one i have.

To eat in moderation, Clean eating plus LC but my key is exercise,

After 85.9KG on 27 July, now the weight is going off.

Today 12 August i am 84KG (loss of 1.9KG)

I am going to do weekly weigh ins.

I am going to be in my 60s for my birthday. At least 69KG


I am focusing on clean plus low carbing

I am still incorporating carbs like the honey oat bread , i am not going too extreme (i had severe constipation problem last time)

My plan is like this

Meal Plan

B: Bread + Nut Butter, fruits and coffee
L: Protein and veggies
D: Protein and veggies.

(The only carbs i am consuming will be for breakfast)


JM 30 Ds Lvl 1
TJ 20 mins or Eliptical P1 for 30 mins
100 calf raises
100 situps plus 60 second wall sit and 60 second plank


Food Diary

B: Sugar free coffee+creamer, 2 slice of Honey Oat Bread plus Hazelnut Butter.
S: Sugar free gum, water

Peace Out XOXOX

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